Slip your girlfriend into something more comfortable…for you.
Maxim, May 2005
She’s got the body of a 21st-century fox—and the wardrobe of a 19th-century nun. Getting your girl to give up her turtlenecks and overalls is all about flattery. Here’s what our office lovelies and one expert suggest.
1. Thigh-high Stockings
Spin an elaborate fantasy about meeting her for a drink. She’s wearing a skirt, and you put your hand on her knee. Then, in an amazing move, she slides your hand up north to let you know what she’s wearing. Check, please!
2. Push-up Bra
Rave about her beautiful breasts, and “make sure she knows you think the fakeness of these bras is silly and fun,” says Michon, “not a way of saying she’s inadequate.” In other words, lie.
3. Eye Patch
Over soft music and a bottle of expensive wine, lay out your plans for making Thursday night “Pirate Night.” Arrr!
4. Miniskirt
When she wears a skirt of any length, give her legs an obvious approving look. Then ask if she owns any shorter ones, noting that her legs look fantastic and you’d love to see more of them. Sometimes the truth works.
5. Tight T-shirt
“Just buy her one,” advises Cathryn Michon, author of The Grrl Genius Guide to Sex (With Other People) and a columnist on She’ll wear it to avoid hurting your feelings. Make sure it’s stretchy; it should cling, not cut off circulation.
6. Backless Shirt or Halter Top
Give her a massage, and compliment all you see, from the small of her back to her shoulder blades. Then point out they’re wasted under all that flannel. Or just say, “Baby, let the tats breathe tonight.”
p/s: theres more to read, i just love this mag!! why cant i get hold of this mags here in NZ! bugger!