Polynesian voyage
Where did the people come from?
Polynesians were people originated from Asia. These people first entered the pacific about 4000 years ago, traveling from land to land. It is not known when they first arrived in Aotearoa, which is also known as the land of the long daylight. The Polynesian were great-determined sailors, once they hit the ocean they are determined to find land. They often made long voyages out of sight of land; these voyages are deliberately set out to find new land for settlements. The question that needs to be answered is why these Polynesian set out to find new land, how did they manage to survive and navigate trough the Pacific Ocean.
Why did these Polynesian first set out to find land?
The Polynesian it thought to have developed a portable agricultural system that enables them to carry across long distances, why did they come here? It is said that these Polynesian were set out for and adventure and to find prosperity in other lands.
How did they manage to navigate through the Pacific Ocean?
Expanding the Target: these explorers are small in number they travel fast and they have a exploration strategy that enable them to find land and survive. Colonization is a two-way thing, these explorers’ sail smartly using trade winds that will easily help them to find land. The sail up winds so they could manage to go home easily if they could not find land to settle in. they sail thru the open oceans and they gather information about the open space in their journey, hence expanding the target for their new settlement.
Navigation was by stars and sun
Keeping track of the way wind and currents moved the canoe
Watching migratory birds overhead
Looking for clouds, driftwood, land-birds
The Polynesian maritime technology has evolved into constructing a double-hulled canoe that can be able to fit people, animals and plants. That canoe must be sea-worthy being about to travel long distances and to find newfound land.
Originated from Asia
Determined sailors
Voyages are deliberately set out
Portable agriculture system
Adventure & prosperity
Expending target
Navigation by star and sun
Watching migratory birds overhead
Looking for clouds, driftwoods, land birds
Keeping track of the way wind and current movement of the canoe
Maritime technology that are seaworthy of
Double hulled canoe that able to carry enough supplies, plants, animals, and carry people across the Pacific Ocean.