Thought and Character
"The Aphorism,"As a man thinketh in his heart so is he," not only embrace the whole of a man's being, but is so comprehensive as to reach out to every conditionand circumstance of his life. A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts."
In other simpler terms, "You are, what you think you are"
Act is the blossom fo thoughts and joy and sufferings are its fruits ; thus does a man garner in the sweet and bitter fruitage of his own husbandry.
Thought in the mind hath made us. what we are
by thought in was wrought and built . if a man's minds hath evil thoughts , pain comes on him as comes.
Man is made or unmade by himself , in the armory of thoughts he forges the weapons by which he destroys himself; he also fashions the tools with which he builds for himself heavenly mansions of joy and strength and peace.
Man is always the master , even in his weakest and most abandoned state; but in weakness and degradation he is the foolish master who misgoverns his household. when he begins to reflect up his condition, and to search diligently for the law upon which his being is established, he then becomes the wise master, directing his energies with intelligence , and fashioning his thoughts to fruitful issues.
A man only begins to be a man when he cease to whine and revile , and commences to search for the hidden justice which regulates his life . and he adapts his mind to that regulating factor , he cease to accuse others as the cause of his conditon.
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